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Student Research Grant 2024 - Call for Proposals


Verbal Behavior Special Interest Group The Association for Behavior Analysis International

Student Research Grant - Call for Proposals

DEADLINE: Friday March 1, 2024

The VB SIG Student Research Grant Award provides monetary support to conduct empirical research in verbal behavior led by a graduate or undergraduate student. Eligible proposals may be relevant to any topic in verbal behavior (e.g., private events, rule-governed behavior, assessment, second language acquisition, primary or secondary verbal operants) and may include work with non-human animals. A maximum of $500 may be requested to cover research-related expenses. Awards will be announced, and plaques and grant funds will be distributed at the VB SIG business meeting during the 2024 ABAI conference. All award winners will be asked to present in the VB SIG symposium at ABAI 2025.

Proposal Format

  1. Cover Page: Include title, affiliation, author (mailing address, email, phone number), advisor/faculty mentor (office address, email, phone number), and confirmation of current VB SIG membership.

  2. Project Plan (1-3 double-spaced pages MAX; do not include author name in document)

    1. Specific Aims/Purpose: Include a clear statement of the work to be undertaken. List specific objectives and describe concisely and realistically what the specific work described in the proposal is intended to accomplish.

    2. Project Design and Methods: Outline the general plan of work, including the activities to be undertaken to accomplish the aims outlined above and a description of the method.

  3. Timeline: Briefly describe a proposed timeline for completion of the project.

  4. Budget: Briefly describe the resources needed to complete this project including the total amount you are requesting to meet those needs.

  5. Letter of support: Request a letter of support from your advisor or research supervisor. This can be sent along with your proposal or directly from your advisor. We are NOT asking for a letter of recommendation, rather a simple statement confirming your status as a full-time student and principal investigator on the project.

Proposals submitted without any one of the criteria listed above will not be reviewed. The proposals will be blindly reviewed by a panel of experts in verbal behavior using the criteria outlined above.

Note: Award nominees must be current VB SIG members.

Final Report If you are awarded a grant, you must submit evidence of project completion to the grant coordinator by April 1, 2025. This evidence may be in the form of a brief report, copies of conference presentations, and/or publications. This accountability requirement ensures the awardee has accomplished what was promised in the proposal. As a professional courtesy, any publications or presentations resulting from funded projects should include a statement acknowledging the support provided by the VB SIG.

Please send submissions electronically in Microsoft Word format to: In the subject line please include: “Attn: Student Grant Competition Coordinator”

Notification of award status will be no later than April 14, 2024.

Best of luck to all the student researchers who submit a proposal!

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